How to create Venn diagrams in R

Today, we will see how to create Venn diagrams in R using the VennDiagram package and the USArrests buit-in dataset.

Prepare the dataset

dataset = USArrests
dataset[, "State"] = row.names(dataset)

Compute the 75th percentile for each crime

murder = quantile(dataset[, "Murder"], 0.75)
assault = quantile(dataset[, "Assault"], 0.75)
rape = quantile(dataset[, "Rape"], 0.75)

Create Venn diagrams in R


  x = list(dataset[dataset[, "Murder"] >= murder, "State"],
           dataset[dataset[, "Assault"] >= assault, "State"],
           dataset[dataset[, "Rape"] >= rape, "State"]),
  main = "States with a high rate of murder, assault or rape",
  main.fontface = "bold",
  main.cex = 1.5,
  category.names = c("Murder", "Assault", "Rape"),
  cat.col = palette()[2:4],
  cat.cex = 1.5,
  cex = 1.5,
  scaled = FALSE,
  lty = 'blank',
  fill = palette()[2:4],
  force.unique = TRUE,
  disable.logging = TRUE,
  imagetype = "png",
  filename = "Venn_diagram.png"
Venn diagram created in R using VennDiagram package


In conclusion, the VennDiagram package is easy to use and highly customizable. Have you already used this package?

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