How to rename samples in FastQC

Do you want to learn how to rename samples in FastQC? FastQC is a free software to perform quality control of reads in fastq format.

Tool used

In this post, we will use the following version of FastQC:

fastqc --version
FastQC v0.12.1

Method 1

According to the INSTALL.txt file, we should use the command below to stream data from STDIN into FastQC and to use “myreport” as sample name:

zcat myfile.fastq.gz | fastqc stdin:myreport

Method 2

However, if your FastQC version or your cluster does not allow the use of the first method, you can rename your samples manually using the following script:


fastqc --extract --nogroup ${old_name}.fastq.gz

rm ${old_name}
mv ${old_name}_fastqc ${new_name}_fastqc
mv ${old_name}_fastqc.html ${new_name}_fastqc.html

sed -i "s|${old_name}.fastq.gz|${new_name}|g" ${new_name}_fastqc/
sed -i "s|${old_name}.fastq.gz|${new_name}|g" ${new_name}_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt
sed -i "s|${old_name}.fastq.gz|${new_name}|g" ${new_name}_fastqc/fastqc_report.html
sed -i "s|${old_name}.fastq.gz|${new_name}|g" ${new_name}_fastqc/summary.txt
sed -i "s|${old_name}.fastq.gz|${new_name}|g" ${new_name}_fastqc.html

zip -r ${new_name} ${new_name}_fastqc
rm -r ${new_name}_fastqc


In conclusion, it is possible to change the sample names in FastQC, whether during or after the function call. Which method did you use?

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