How to add loess regression lines in R

In this tutorial, we will see how to perform a local polynomial regression using the loess function and how to plot curved regression lines in base R and ggplot2. We will also see an alternative method using ggplot2 which consists in performing and plotting the regression lines using the geom_smooth function.

Load the ggplot2 package


Load the dataset


Variables assignment

dataset = iris
x_column = "Sepal.Length"
y_column = "Petal.Length"

Order the data frame

Firstly, we need to order the data frame according to the x values to be able to plot the local polynomial regression line:

dataset = dataset[order(dataset[, x_column]),]

Local polynominal regression

Then, we can perform the local polynomial regression using the loess function:

loess_results = loess(dataset[, y_column] ~ dataset[, x_column])

Here is the result of the call:

loess(formula = dataset[, y_column] ~ dataset[, x_column])

Number of Observations: 150 
Equivalent Number of Parameters: 4.74 
Residual Standard Error: 0.7917 

Extract the y fitted values

In order to add the regression line to plots, we need to extract the fitted values of the y axis:

dataset[, "loess"] = loess_results$fitted

Line color

In addition, we will use the following line color:

lcol = palette()[4]

Add a local polynomial regression line in R

plot(dataset[, x_column], dataset[, y_column], pch = 18,
     xlab = x_column, ylab = y_column)
lines(dataset[, x_column], dataset[, "loess"], col = lcol, lwd = 3)
Scatter plot with curved line (from loess output) produced with base R

Add a local polynomial regression line in ggplot2

ggplot(dataset, aes_string(x = x_column, y = y_column)) +
  geom_point(shape = 18)+
  geom_line(data = data.frame(x = dataset[, x_column], y = dataset[, "loess"]),
            aes(x = x, y = y), col = lcol, lwd = 1)
Scatter plot with curved line (from loess output) produced with ggplot2

Perform the local polynomial regression in ggplot2

Furthermore, it is also possible (and easier) to make the local polynomial regression directly in ggplot2 using the geom_smooth function. It gives exactly the same plot as the previous method.

ggplot(dataset, aes_string(x = x_column, y = y_column)) +
  geom_point(shape = 18)+
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE, col = lcol, lwd = 1)
Scatter plot with curved line (from loess output) produced with ggplot2


In conclusion, the local polynomial regression can be easily performed in R using the loess function and plotted using base R or ggplot2 functions.

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