From RGB to HCL colors in R (and vice versa)

To convert colors from the RGB (red-green-blue) to the HCL (hue-chroma-lightness) system in R (or any other software), we need to go through XYZ and CIE-LAB color systems.

What is a RGB color?

A RGB color is composed of three to four values ranging from 0 to 255:

  • one value for the red
  • one value for the green
  • one value for the blue
  • one value for the transparency (facultative)

For example, let’s take the following values for red, green and blue, respectively:

RGB = c(237, 180, 232)
barplot(1, col = rgb(RGB[1]/255, RGB[2]/255, RGB[3]/255), axes = F)

What is a HCL color?

A HCL (or LCH) color is composed of three values:

  • one value for the hue (ranging from 0 to 360°)
  • one value for the chroma (ranging from 0 to 100%)
  • one value for the light / luminance / lightness / luminosity (ranging from 0 to 100%)

However, it is important to note that the hue is slightly different from the ones of HSL, HSV and HSI.

From RGB to HCL colors in R

To make the conversion between RGB and HCL color systems (and vice versa), we need to go through XYZ and CIE-LAB color systems. In the next sections, we will implement the formulas from the EasyRGB website.

from_rgb_to_hcl = function(RGB, color_model){
  R = RGB[1] / 255
  G = RGB[2] / 255
  B = RGB[3] / 255
  if (R > 0.04045){
    R = ((R + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4
  } else {
    R = R / 12.92
  if (G > 0.04045){
    G = ((G + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4
  } else {
    G = G / 12.92
  if (B > 0.04045){
    B = ((B + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4
  } else {
    B = B / 12.92
  R = R * 100
  G = G * 100
  B = B * 100
  X = R * 0.4124 + G * 0.3576 + B * 0.1805
  Y = R * 0.2126 + G * 0.7152 + B * 0.0722
  Z = R * 0.0193 + G * 0.1192 + B * 0.9505
  XYZ = matrix(c(X, Y, Z))
  rownames(XYZ) = c("X", "Y", "Z")
  X = X / 95.047
  Y = Y / 100
  Z = Z / 108.883
  if (X > 0.008856){
    X = X ^ (1 / 3)
  } else {
    X = (7.787 * X) + (16 / 116)
  if (Y > 0.008856){
    Y = Y ^ (1 / 3)
  } else {
    Y = (7.787 * Y) + (16 / 116)
  if (Z > 0.008856){
    Z = Z ^ (1 / 3)
  } else {
    Z = (7.787 * Z) + (16 / 116)
  L = (116 * Y) - 16
  A = 500 * (X - Y)
  B = 200 * (Y - Z)
  LAB = matrix(c(L, A, B))
  rownames(LAB) = c("L", "A", "B")
  H = atan2(B, A)
  if (H > 0){
    H = (H / pi) * 180
  } else {
    H = 360 - (abs(H) / pi) * 180
  C = sqrt(A ^ 2 + B ^ 2)
  HCL = matrix(c(H, C, L))
  rownames(HCL) = c("H", "C", "L")
  if (color_model == "XYZ"){
  } else if (color_model == "LAB"){
  } else if (color_model == "HCL"){

HCL = from_rgb_to_hcl(RGB, "HCL")
> from_rgb_to_hcl(RGB, "XYZ")
X 65.81180
Y 56.47324
Z 83.77570

> from_rgb_to_hcl(RGB, "LAB")
L  79.88240
A  29.05609
B -17.95184

> from_rgb_to_hcl(RGB, "HCL")
H 328.29082
C  34.15443
L  79.88240

From HCL to RGB colors in R

from_hcl_to_rgb = function(HCL, color_model){
  H = HCL[1]
  C = HCL[2]
  L = HCL[3]
  A = cos((H * pi) / 180) * C
  B = sin((H * pi) / 180) * C
  LAB = matrix(c(L, A, B))
  rownames(LAB) = c("L", "A", "B")
  Y = (L + 16) / 116
  X = A / 500 + Y
  Z = Y - B / 200
  if (Y^3  > 0.008856){
    Y = Y^3
  } else {
    Y = (Y - 16 / 116) / 7.787
  if (X^3  > 0.008856){
    X = X^3
  } else {
    X = (X - 16 / 116) / 7.787
  if (Z^3  > 0.008856){
    Z = Z^3
  } else {
    Z = (Z - 16 / 116) / 7.787
  X = X * 95.047
  Y = Y * 100
  Z = Z * 108.883
  XYZ = matrix(c(X, Y, Z))
  rownames(XYZ) = c("X", "Y", "Z")
  X = X / 100
  Y = Y / 100
  Z = Z / 100
  R = X *  3.2406 + Y * -1.5372 + Z * -0.4986
  G = X * -0.9689 + Y *  1.8758 + Z *  0.0415
  B = X *  0.0557 + Y * -0.2040 + Z *  1.0570
  if (R > 0.0031308){
    R = 1.055 * (R ^ (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055
  } else {
    R = 12.92 * R
  if (G > 0.0031308){
    G = 1.055 * (G ^ (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055
  } else {
    G = 12.92 * G
  if (B > 0.0031308){
    B = 1.055 * (B ^ (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055
  } else {
    B = 12.92 * B
  RGB = matrix(c(R, G, B) * 255)
  mode(RGB) = "integer"
  rownames(RGB) = c("red", "green", "blue")
  if (color_model == "LAB"){
  } else if (color_model == "XYZ"){
  } else if (color_model == "RGB"){
> from_hcl_to_rgb(HCL, "LAB")
L  79.88240
A  29.05609
B -17.95184

> from_hcl_to_rgb(HCL, "XYZ")
X 65.81180
Y 56.47324
Z 83.77570

> from_hcl_to_rgb(HCL, "RGB")
red    237
green  180
blue   232


It was again a good exercise to implement the conversion between RGB and HCL color spaces in R. Is this article useful to you?

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