From long to wide format in R

In this blog post, we will see how to reshape data from long to wide format in R. I have already used a custom function for that in the article about 3D histograms. But in this tutorial, we will use the reshape and unstack functions from base R, the spread and pivot_wider functions from the tidyr package and the dcast function from the data.table package.

Some terminology:

  • id column: it is still present in the wide format
  • key column: its levels become new variable columns
  • value column: its content fill in the new columns

Load the tidyr and the data.table packages


Load the iris dataset


Example with one id column

The image below shows a theoretical example of data formatting from long to wide:

from long to wide format in R

a) Variables assignment

id_column = "Petal.Width"
key_column = "Species"
value_column = "Freq"

data_long =[, c(id_column, key_column)]),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
observations for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a long format

b) Functions

1) reshape from base R

data_wide = reshape(data_long, direction = "wide", idvar = id_column,
                    timevar = key_column)
names(data_wide) = sub(paste0(value_column, "."), "", names(data_wide))

2) unstack from base R

data_wide = cbind(id_column = unique(data_long[, id_column]),
                  unstack(data_long, get(value_column) ~ get(key_column)))
names(data_wide) = sub("id_column", id_column, names(data_wide))

3) spread from tidyr

data_wide = spread(data_long, key = all_of(key_column),
                   value = all_of(value_column))

4) pivot_wider from tidyr

data_wide = pivot_wider(data_long, names_from = all_of(key_column),
                        values_from = all_of(value_column))

5) dcast from data.table

data_wide = dcast(, get(id_column) ~ get(key_column),
                  value.var = value_column)
names(data_wide) = sub("id_column", id_column, names(data_wide))

c) Result

observations for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a wide format


Rows order may be different depending on the function used, but the content will be identical. The output data structure can also vary:

  • the two functions from base R give a data.frame output
  • the two functions from the tidyr package give a tibble output
  • the function from the data.table package give a data.table output


To sum up, we can convert data from long to wide format using the reshape and unstack functions from base R, the spread and pivot_wider functions from the tidyr package and the dcast function from the data.table package. But the easiest ones are the functions from the tidyr packages. Which function do you prefer?

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