My first annual blog traffic report

I’ve started this blog one year ago to help biologists learn bioinformatics. Now, I would like to share with you this first annual blog traffic report!

My objective was to write 52 blog posts, i.e. one per week. I published my first blog post on the 17th of June 2022 and created 45 posts in total. For the past few weeks, I’ve been focused on fixing Google’s indexing issues.


I received my first blog view (which is not mine) on the 13th of July 2022 and got 1,330 views in total. Additionally, I got my first (and only) comment on the 17th of March 2023:

Google Analytics

I’ve set up Google Analytics one month ago and got 132 sessions and page views:

Google Search Console

I also joined Google Search Console one month ago and obtained an average click-through rate (CTR) of 4.8%:

However, I noticed a problem with Google’s indexing. On the 30th of May 2023, only 11/45 pages were indexed. Therefore, I decided to request a manual indexing for the remaining pages. At present, all my 45 blog posts are indexed (the 46th page corresponds to the home page):

But I still need to fix a page that failed indexing due to 404 error and a page that was crawled but not indexed:


I joined Pinterest one week after my first blog post. I published 39 pins (with a very irregular schedule) and have about 1,860 monthly views and 2 followers:

Indeed, I got my first follower on the 18th of December 2022 and my second follower on the 17th of March 2023. In total, I received about 18,200 impressions and 391 engagements (clicks and saves):

As you can see on the plot below, one pin became viral on the 27th of September 2022 (989 impressions) but I still don’t know why:


In conclusion, I publish this first annual blog traffic report to keep track of my blogging journey. Feel free to link to your science blog and tell us how long you’ve been blogging!


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