How to add exponential regression lines in R

We will see how to perform exponential regressions and how to plot these curved regression lines in base R and ggplot2, using the lines and geom_line functions, respectively. Please read my article about adding curved lines in base R and ggplot2 if you are interested in the different plotting options.

Scatterplots with exponential regression lines produced in base R (top) and ggplot2 (bottom)

Load the dataset


Variables assignment

dataset = iris
x_column = "Sepal.Length"
y_column = "Petal.Length"

Exponential regression

lm_results = lm(log(dataset[, y_column]) ~ dataset[, x_column])

Extract the exponential regression coefficients

intercept = coef(lm_results)[[1]]
slope = coef(lm_results)[[2]]

Compute the fitted values

dataset = dataset[order(dataset[, x_column]),]
dataset[, "exp"] = exp(slope * dataset[, x_column] + intercept)

Line color

acol = palette()[4]

Add an exponential regression line in base R

plot(dataset[, x_column], dataset[, y_column], pch = 18,
     xlab = x_column, ylab = y_column)
lines(dataset[, x_column], dataset[, "exp"], col = acol, lwd = 3)
Scatterplot with exponential regression line produced in base R

Add a exponential regression line in ggplot2


ggplot(dataset, aes_string(x = x_column, y = y_column)) +
  geom_point(shape = 18)+
  geom_line(data = data.frame(x = dataset[, x_column], y = dataset[, "exp"]),
            aes(x = x, y = y), col = acol, lwd = 1)
Scatterplot with exponential regression line produced in ggplot2


In conclusion, it is possible to perform an exponential regression using the lm function and to plot the resulting line using base R graphics as well as the ggplot2 package.

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  1. Lidia

    This was extremely helpful!!!!! I have been dealing with it for days!! Thank you so much!!!

    • I’m glad it helped you! Thank you for your feedback, this is the first comment on my blog and it means a lot to me!

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