How to create 3D histograms in R

Today, we will see how to plot 3D histograms in R using the hist3D function from the plot3D package. As an example, I will use the iris built-in dataset. In this tutorial, I will use information about petal width and sepal width.

3D histogram with customized colors

Load the plot3D package


Load the iris dataset


Count observations for each variable combination

x = "Petal.Width"
y = "Sepal.Width"
contingency =[, c(x, y)]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
observations for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a long format

Reshape data from long to wide

change_format = function(x_level, contingency, x, y_levels){
  line = t(contingency[contingency[, x] == x_level, "Freq"])
  rownames(line) = x_level
  colnames(line) = y_levels

x_levels = unique(contingency[, x])
y_levels = unique(contingency[, y])
mat ="rbind", lapply(x_levels, change_format, contingency, x, y_levels))
observations for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a wide format

Add the missing variable combinations

x_levels_all = as.character(seq(min(x_levels), max(x_levels), by = 0.1))
y_levels_all = as.character(seq(min(y_levels), max(y_levels), by = 0.1))
mat =
mat[, y_levels_all[!y_levels_all %in% y_levels]] = rep(0, nrow(mat))
mat[x_levels_all[!x_levels_all %in% x_levels],] = rep(0, ncol(mat))
mat = as.matrix(mat[x_levels_all, y_levels_all])
observations for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a wide format

3D histogram with default parameters

hist3D(x = as.numeric(rownames(mat)), y = as.numeric(colnames(mat)), z = mat,
       xlab = x, ylab = y, zlab = "Number of observations")
3D histogram with default parameters

3D histogram with customized parameters

Now, I will customize the following parameters:

  • ticktype = “detailed” to add ticks (default: ticktype = “simple”)
  • bty = “b2” to add grid lines (default: bty = “b”)
  • theta = 120 to increase the azimuthal direction (default: theta = 40)
  • phi = 10 to decrease the colatitude (default: phi = 40)
  • d = 2 to lessen the perspective effect (default: d = 1)
  • space = 0.5 to add space between bars (default: space = 0)
  • lighting = TRUE to illuminate the facets (default: lighting = FALSE)
hist3D(x = as.numeric(rownames(mat)), y = as.numeric(colnames(mat)), z = mat,
       xlab = x, ylab = y, zlab = "Number of observations",
       ticktype = "detailed", bty = "b2", theta = 120, phi = 10,
       d = 2, space = 0.5, lighting = TRUE)
3D histogram with customized parameters

3D histogram with customized colors

Finally, I will customize the 3D histogram coloring. Regarding the color palette, I will use the cm.colors palette (instead of the jet.col one which is used by default in hist3D):

barplot(rep(1, 3), col = cm.colors(3), main = "cm.colors")
barplot colored with 3 colors from the base R cm.colors palette

Moreover, I will prepare a coloring matrix which has the same dimensions as the one containing the observations. I will define three categories in this matrix:

  • the observations greater than 0 but less or equal to 1 will be colored with the first color
  • the observations equal to 0 will be colored with the second color
  • the observations greater than 1 will be colored with the third color
colors = ifelse(mat > 0, 1, 2)
colors = ifelse(mat > 1, 3, colors)
coloring values for each combination of two variables from the iris dataset in a wide format

And then, I will remove the color legend. I will therefore change the following parameters:

  • col = cm.colors(3) to change the color palette (default: col = NULL)
  • colvar = colors to use other coloring values than the observations (default: colvar = z)
  • colkey = FALSE to remove the color legend (default: colkey = NULL)
hist3D(x = as.numeric(rownames(mat)), y = as.numeric(colnames(mat)), z = mat,
       xlab = x, ylab = y, zlab = "Number of observations",
       ticktype = "detailed", bty = "b2", theta = 120, phi = 10,
       d = 2, space = 0.5, lighting = TRUE,
       col = cm.colors(3), colvar = colors, colkey = FALSE)
3D histogram with customized colors


3D histograms are controversial but if you really need to make one, the hist3D function from the plot3D R package is really useful! Have you ever made 3D histograms?

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